Blackwing Profit: Online Coaching Program
Blackwing Coaching Club is a unique, next generation of business coaching support designed to help YOU release the ‘X Factor’ in your business. It’s designed to give you ’The Edge’ - the Un-Fair advantage!
Coaching Club is delivered via live Skype calls and webinars. At it’s core, it delivers detailed step-by-step training webinar coaching, in which you focus on specific areas of your financial planning business along with regular opportunities for all members to ask questions and receive specific advice, as well as a community of quality finical planners. This allows you to leverage the groups collective expertise, knowledge and passion – moving you forward at an accelerated pace.
The program also includes – but is not limited to – tools, system kits, templates, scripting and a vast array of relevant intellectual property, to maximise the ease of implementation and reduce the burden of having to create or reinvent the wheel.
Blackwing Profit: Coaching Club

For too may years we’ve seen financial planners sacrifice far too much for their businesses, sometimes to the detriment of their personal lives, and not receive the financial rewards they deserve. Through Coaching Club, you can achieve the business growth and personal lifestyle you have always dreamt of!
If your looking to improve your business, increase your profits, get more done that you ever have before, AND build your business into a far more saleable asset, the Coaching Club is ideal to take you to that next level – and beyond.
We honestly believe that we can add substantial value to your business over and above what you have been able to achieve already.
There is a 30 day ‘love it or leave it’ guarantee, which means that if either you or Steve believe that the program is not a match, you will receive a full refund – no questions asked – we shake hands and remain friends…. After 30 days the commitment is for a full 12 months and then monthly as long as you are receiving and we are providing you value.
For more information please email our team at